Meet Rabbi Joe

Shalom and welcome. My name is Rabbi Joe and I am the pastor of Congregation Elohim Mekomo (God’s Place). Since I have probably not had the pleasure of meeting you yet, I would like to tell you a little about myself.
My great-grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Spain and I believe that my ministry is the result of a spiritual seed that God had placed in my heart through my ancestors. Our family recognized Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah and I was raised in a Christian home by two loving parents who walked with the Lord. Being brought up in a Christian home, I came to know the Lord at an early age. I attended worship services with my parents and participated in the rituals and rites of the church. However, it was not until I went to college that my relationship with God began to reach maturity. While attending Penn State University, I became involved with the Navigators Organization and began a season of intense Bible study, fellowship, and service. It was during this time that I fully and completely dedicated my life to the Lord Yeshua (Jesus). As my journey continued, I began to feel a deep passion for the study of the Hebraic roots of Christianity. Over the course of the next 30 years, I committed myself to the concentrated study of God’s Word.
For the last 13 years, I have been involved in Jewish/Christian studies and active church leadership. During this time, I have studied Hebrew, Old and New Testament Theology, liturgy, and pastoral care. I have served as a “Shamash” (dedicated servant-leader), as a “Gabbai” (Rabbinical assistant), and as a congregational Rabbi. I am licensed and ordained through Kingsway Fellowship International.
But enough about me, consider joining us for worship, and we’ll talk about Him.